Our past clients come from a diverse range of businesses and organisations.
Television (BBC Top Gear 'HoverVan' Episode, Nitro Circus, BBC Coast, Inside Out, Countrywide)
Marine Environmental Services eg Geotechincal & Benthic Survey.
Crew Transfer for Civil Engineering / Infrastructure Works.
River Maintenance Operations
Artists and Photographers
Local Authorities
Rescue Organisations - Ice & Fast Water.
Middle East Unexploded Ordnance Survey
Recent work includes The Mersey Gateway bridge build (crew transfer for intertidal piling work,) Fugro (Seismic Survey Heysham/Barrow-on-Furness,) Survey work & UXO, Blackwater Estuary, inland gravel pit survey, Southampton University (intertidal scientific research,) Tideway/Laing O'Rourke) crew transfer on River Thames, London's new 'supersewer!'